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shit sheet

shit sheet  n.— «I won’t say who they are (but) they were distributing shit sheets amongst our members which said: “The AWU’s finished. Join us.”» —by Janelle Miles in Gold Coast, Queensland AAP...

shit sheet

shit sheet n. a flyer, letter, or other document containing negative or false information about a politician or political organization. Editorial Note: This term appears to be specific to Australia. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

shit sheet

shit sheet  n.— «Spence described the pamphlet as a “shit sheet,” but said he was not hurt by the comments it made about him.» —“Anger Over Anonymous Pamphlet’s ‘Libel’ Of Councillors” by Craig...

shit sheet

shit sheet  n.— «There have been two defamation actions, including one over a “shit sheet” of alleged indiscretions by Feeney’s rivals.» —“Sleepers, Awake!” by Kate Legge The Australian June 22, 2002...

shit sheet

shit sheet  n.— «But this was no ordinary anti-Green rant from the party of free enterprise. In election parlance, Morrison’s four-page glossy is known as a “shit sheet.”» —“Coalition rolls out Latham...