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shouldering  n.— «“The Coast Guard is building plans to deal with the possibility that we will see more movement around the coast as we seal the border more,” says Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Shooting at a boat’s...

circus parking

circus parking
 n.— «We can take circus parking at several of our surface locations.» —“Shooting a Movie? Easy” EasyPark Vancouver EasyFlicks Mar. 30, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

dog paw

dog paw  n.— «He was charged in common law robbery in Benson for the gang attacks and when we interviewed him, he had insignia on his right arm burned in.…It was a group of three circles they refer to as “dog paws,” and...


gastronaut  n.— «Mr. Thompson and the Alderetes are members of a billowing fraternity in the American tourism industry: vacationers who plan their travels primarily—often solely—around food and wine. They are, to coin a term...

shooting star

shooting star  n.— «A shooting star is formed when a stock gaps higher in the morning, continues to rise after the open, but pulls back later in the day and closes near the opening price. One other stipulation, this formation must come on...


candlestick  n.— «In the candlestick methodology of viewing stock charts, a shooting star is not necessarily a good thing.» —“Shooting Stars are not Always Lucky” by Rick Pendergraft Schaeffer’s Research Dec. 6...