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placenta mooch

placenta mooch  n.— «I probably shouldn’t be a mother. At least I didn’t refer to it as a crotch dumpling or placenta mooch like I call other people’s kids.» —“I hope we don’t get the six pack…“ by Chrissy...

crotch dumpling

crotch dumpling  n.— «I probably shouldn’t be a mother. At least I didn’t refer to it as a crotch dumpling or placenta mooch like I call other people’s kids.» —“I hope we don’t get the six pack…“ by Chrissy...

green ceiling

green ceiling  n.— «In Mexico, I painted, I read and then got the idea that I could be a writer.…Back home, I was going to face what I call the “green ceiling.” It was the attitude among the older generation of Irish that...

bake blind

bake blind  v. phr.— «When recipes tell you to bake blind, they don’t mean cover your eyes. Baking blind is the term for cooking a pie shell—partially or completely—without any filling. You shouldn’t just pop the shell in the oven. It’ll...

spray and pray

spray and pray  v. phr.— «You want to be able to make a great photo from the moment you flip the shutter, you shouldn’t have to rely on “spray and pray” photography. Try to get an excellent shot of your subject in less shots and your...

lean forward

lean forward  v. phr.— «It seems to me that the government should lean forward and it shouldn’t wait until these plots become operational. It should move in at the aspirational stage, and apparently that’s what the FBI did here...