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body rolling

body rolling  n.— «Yamuna is a self-confessed “yogi,” with waist-length silver hair and muscular arms. She has pioneered a fitness method called Body Rolling—which uses rubber balls to target specific muscle groups.» —“How...


ziatype  n.— «Kersey uses several processes for printing his pictures, from traditional silver gelatin prints to a mysterious, little-known technique called a ziatype. Named after the Native American word zia, meaning “sun,”...


nos  n.— «“Nos” or “laughing gas” as it is known, is sold in silver canisters used to whip cream, and had been readily available at dairies and some hardware stores.» —“Gas sniffs killed boy?” by Alice...

open (up) daylight

open (up) daylight  v. phr.— «Strong and composed, she showed no outward sign of weakening under the pressure and when she decided to go for home, 1 190 metres from the finish, she quickly opened up daylight between herself and the Irish...


MTA  n.— «In the fashion industry, models that aspire to reach the silver screen are referred to as MTAs, or models-turned-actresses.» —“Athens spotlight finds plenty of women to shine on” Seattle Times Aug. 21, 2004...