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chaveta  n.— «Deftly rolling, pressing and slicing tobacco leaves with a slab of sharp metal known as a chaveta, they sculptured perfectly cylindrical cigars—an art that requires years to master.» —“Why the Smoke Doesn’t Get in...


smoke  n.— «I think Tree means to tune the gamma match with the variable capacitor for best transmitter output, or “maximum smoke,” as it is sometimes called.» —“The K7RA Solar Update” by Tad...

surface snorting

surface snorting  n.— «Scores of Sydneysiders woke to the sight of thick white smoke coming from a Collins-class submarine off Sydney’s northern beaches this morning, but their fears of a fire were unfounded—it was just the ageing sub’s...

burnt toast

burnt toast  n.— «Smoke in the cockpit is so common that pilots even have a name for it: “burnt toast.” Usually a pilot can find the source of the smoke and get rid of it—much like unplugging the toaster at home—but if not...

compassion club

compassion club  n.— «I hear that 30 pounds is about two days supply for the San Francisco Compassion Club, which supplies about 4,000 patients. I thought it sounded like a lot of pot until I heard that. Patients don’t just smoke once in a...


bangernomics  n.— «Others choose to avoid depreciation and buy a car that is at least five years old and drive it until it dies, a practice known as bangernomics in the UK.» —“New-car values go up in smoke” by Rob...