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Slang Term “Bobo”

In an earlier episode, the hosts talked about the slang term bobo, meaning “stupid” or “inferior.” Many listeners wrote in to discuss about their own use of bobo and its variants, and to point out that bobos also refers to a...


Featherwood  n.— «A small group of boys calling themselves the Peckerwoods and girls known as the Featherwoods are at least partly responsible for the trouble at Buchanan.» —“White gangs create atmosphere of fear at...

battery pack

battery pack  n.— «Brannon was described by a local gang investigator as a “battery pack” within his gang set, a term used to describe a member who is always on the streets, willing to do anything for the gang. The investigator...


bang  v.— «Some of the recruits in the video—many who appear to be teenagers—are eager to “bang,” or join the Bloods. “I am ready to bang it official,” one recruit says. “Ready to bang for the Blood...


jubu n. a Jewish person who maintains Buddhist beliefs or practices. Also Jewbu. Editorial Note: This term was popularized by Rodger Kamenetz through his 1994 book A Jew in the Lotus: A Poet’s Rediscovery of Jewish Identity. (source: Double-Tongued...

make (one’s) bones

make (one’s) bones v. to kill a person as requirement for membership in a criminal gang, especially if it is one’s first murder; to become a made man; (hence) to earn a reputation. Editorial Note: This term is associated with organized crime...

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