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knock and drag

knock and drag  v. phr.— «Workers called and visited voters, telling them they could vote immediately. “It was a ‘knock and drag’ program,” Saenz said, concentrating on South San Antonio but also singling out historically...


scull  v.— «In 1954, Bob Hawke was immortalised by the Guinness Book of Records for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob later became the Prime Minister of Australia.» —“Socking along on a circular honey…And happy...


jackrolling  n.— «In a related survey conducted among 1,500 schoolchildren in the Soweto township, a quarter of all the boys interviewed said that “jackrolling”—a South African term for recreational gang rape—was fun.» —“South...


reshop  v.— «Then, just when my feet are about to fall off, she does a trip through the store, up and down each aisle, pulling misplaced items off the shelves and stacking them into a cart that will be driven through the store one more...

toast juice

toast juice  n.— «Mr Mahar told Mr Wormald he was aware of a still being operated at the South Pole station, producing what was known as “toast juice.” He said he’d never seen a still and had been told it hadn’t operated during...

farmer blow

farmer blow  n.— «“I was in 4-H and FFA, a total farm girl. That helped in the Army, kind of a roughneck thing,” she says and launches into a description about a friend in her military unit, “the prissiest thing you’d ever want...