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gap out

gap out v. to become distracted; to space out. Etymological Note: Likely directly related to to gape ‘to stare at with the mouth open.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

white space

white space  n.— «White space—a high-growth or unserved market or outside-the-box business opportunity.» —“Increased pay gets devoured by inflation” by Diane Stafford Kansas City Star (Kan., Mo.) Nov. 23...


unass  v.— «There have been numerous cases of the plane making an acceptable touchdown while significant passenger casualties are taken before they can un-ass the aircract.» —“Re: engine failures and safety” by prb@access...


inter-sploosie  n.— «A punter “squeezing” a sequential threesome in hearts, along with a disposable “bush-card” and the ten, queen and king of clubs, requiring only the jack in that suit to “sing” rummy...


hotbox v. 1. to smoke marijuana in an enclosed space so that it becomes filled with smoke; 2. to take a long drag or a quick series of drags on a joint or cigarette. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hotbox  v.— «Hotbox—to smoke marijuana in a confined space so that the smoke remains in circulation. “we hotboxed the car.”» —“Word up, it’s a ghetto dictionary” Sheilnak.com Sept. 24, 2004. (source: Double...