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Foblish  n.— «Or you are just speaking “foblish.” Foblish=Fob’s English. Fob = L.A. people’s term for new immigrants that can’t speak English correctly.» —T Today (Taipei, Taiwan) Oct. 2, 2002. (source: Double...


chippy  adj.— «Speaking of Tennessee, things have gotten a touch shall we say “chippy” between your team and the Tennessee Titans, with whom there’s been a little bit of a verbal jousting going on this week.» —“Del Rio...


Yuma  n.— «In Cuban street slang, yuma means a foreigner, more specifically, someone from a non-Spanish speaking European or North American country, and most particularly, from the United States. When someone asks my brother-in-law where...

throw red meat

throw red meat  v.— «His immediate strategy is to cut down the number of speaking engagements, particularly those fund-raising affairs where he is obligated to throw red meat out for Republicans hungry to feast on those no-good Democrats...


bicho  n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters watch...


tortilla  n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters...

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