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Katrician  n.— «All it took was a pre-existing spike in the crime rate and a new word—”Katrician”—that turns 120,000 men, women and children into the enemy. If Pruett’s new label sticks it could also alter the meaning of...

condolence payment

condolence payment  n.— «The amount of cash the U.S. military has paid to families of Iraqi civilians killed or maimed in operations involving American troops skyrocketed from just under $5 million in 2004 to almost $20 million last year...


spike  n.— «Seibelman raises maggots, commonly known in ice-fishing parlance as “spikes,” or, perhaps a bit more technically accurate, fly larva. Not just any fly larva, Seibelman says; he produces larva from large blow flies...

talk out (the side of) one’s neck

talk out (the side of) one’s neck  v. phr.— «It’s obvious you haven’t seen X and are talking out the side of your neck, to boot.» —“Re: spike lee & boston celtics” by Robin L. Gibson Usenet: rec.arts.movie Nov...


bougie  n.— «Even a very good “candle hit” as we say in french (“une bougie”==”a candle” is a spike which hits an opponents directly in his head…just like gently blowing a candle…:-))...

bark mitzvah

bark mitzvah  n.— «Next channel. Talk show host Joan Rivers appears. It’s her dog Spike’s 13th birthday, his “bark mitzvah.” Rivers promises, “We’re going to have a gala celebration with lots of four-legged friends and...