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jump-out gang

jump-out gang  n.— «Miami police could point with pride to the success of their undercover anti-drug team. Its 15-member squad, dubbed the “Jump Out Gang” for the way officers sprang at unsuspecting criminals, helped account...

go bare

go bare  v.— «Other doctors drop malpractice insurance because they have been sued so many times they cannot afford it. In either case, patients have the right to know when a doctor is uninsured or “going bare,” as the practice...


staledate  v.— «However, that check has stale-dated, and another check for $15 will be issued to the provider on a priority basis» —“Series: Times Action” by Pat Fenner St. Petersburg Times (Florida) Dec. 18...

boo-boo lip

boo-boo lip  n.— «It is such a refreshing sight to see Warren the Sapp standing on the sideline with his boo-boo lip hanging out, looking “dumb”-founded, with nothing to say.» —“Sapp should chase QBs, not...


breastaurant  n.— «Despite their efforts to attract families, not everyone wants to eat in a “breastaurant.”» —“Hooters chain goes for national appeal” by Curtis Krueger St. Petersburg...


curbstoner  n.— «Wholesalers prefer the state would turn its effort instead to putting so-called “curbstoners” out of business. Those are unlicensed hobbyists who park collections of used cars in vacant lots along the roadside...