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wealth-fare  n.— «As Thomas reports, institutional bias in agencies such as the Veterans Administration has, in the more recent past, denied many black families the stability, the status and the tax advantages of home ownership. Those...


neutralino  n.— «Neutralinos are (or, at least, are predicted to be) the lightest and most stable of these new particles. And their stability means they may also solve a cosmological mystery, which is that a quarter of the universe seems...

Garnier limb

Garnier limb  n.— «But that was before an engineering breakthrough developed by conference participants, the so-called Garnier Limb, allowed treehouses greater stability and longer life, and before a spate of how-to and coffee-table books...

bosu ball

bosu ball  n.— «One of my discoveries was something called a bosu ball, which looks like a stability ball chopped in half. Bosu is short for both sides up, and it gives old-fashioned exercises like push-ups a whole new level of difficulty...


lane  n.— «Critics question whether a strictly narrow construction of the American role will sacrifice the heart of the NATO military mission: Providing enough political stability for U.S. troops to go home within a year and leave behind a...


dominionist  n.— «“Dominionists,” the pejorative label he used to describe the Christian right, threaten the very stability of American culture by, in his estimation, “imposing their moral agenda on the rest of us...