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ringer T

ringer T  n.— «Picture a T-shirt with trim around the collar—what the industry calls a ringer T—but the trim isn’t just done in a contrasting color. It’s cashmere.» —“American Eagle opens store aimed at older set” by Teresa...

heavenly jukebox

heavenly jukebox  n.— «This heavenly jukebox, as it is sometimes called, will hold the contents of every record store in the world, all of it instantly accessible from any desktop.» —“The Heavenly Jukebox” by Charles C...


e-grass  n.— «He had identified an energy crop—which he refers to as e-grass, a plant that originated in the Mediterranean basin hundreds of years ago—that had a higher BTU (British Standard Unit of Energy) than most biomass plants, was...

party ball

party ball n. a five-gallon container of beer, one-third the size of a keg (in the U.S.). Editorial Note: According to numerous articles in the Washington Post, Party Ball was also the now outdated product name for “a lightweight plastic...

airsoft gun

airsoft gun  n.— «A sting operation by the Attorney General’s office found six Internet retailers and one local store owner illegally sold “look-alike” air rifles and BB guns to minors.…The guns, commonly called...


Tehrangeles  n.— «With neon signs in Persian decorating the window of the Woodland Hills Market—”Kabob” glowing in bright red, “Iranian Market” in pea green—this corner grocery store could just as well be in Tehran...