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binning  n.— «Samsung manages to preserve low-light performance at such resolutions and framerates on such a small sensor using a technique called “binning,” whereby certain pixels are sometimes deactivated and grouped together...


microhydro  n.— «Instead of using a dam to create energy, microhydro uses piping to divert water from a pond or stream. The water is brought to a vertical drop, or head, and falls onto the microhydro system, spinning a turbine, which in...


exit-level  adj.— Note: Thanks to Joe Clark for suggesting this catchword. «Since redefining himself as an “exit-level designer,” Fella has churned out a steady stream of colored-pencil drawings, collages, doodles and fliers...

mirror bee

mirror bee  n.— «The best method, called “mirror bees,” entails sending a group of small satellites equipped with mirrors 30 to 100 feet wide into space to “swarm” around an asteroid and trail it, Vasile explains. The mirrors would be...

New Season Starts November 24th

Power up the vacuum tubes and charge up your iPod! Just in time for the holiday season, we’re happy to announce that the first of our brand-new shows of the new season will air the weekend of Saturday, November 24th, and Sunday, November 25th.

t-shirt bag

t-shirt bag  n.— «There is now a push both at state and local levels to minimize the use of these plastic grocery bags or what the industry calls “t-shirt bags.” “It sticks to everything. In the garbage stream, in the...