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MMP  n.— «In reality, McGregor received a letter from the Hispanic Bar Association (Los Abogados), expressing concern over the use of what they deem to be derogatory terms towards MMPs (Mexicans Minus Papers).» —“Nativist Roy Warden...

Terry stop

Terry stop  n.— «Mayor Valley and his brother, city attorney Andre Valley, disagree. The siblings say Terry v. Ohio, a Supreme Court ruling, gives their police the right to stop and search anyone for a brief period of time. The 1968...

Terry stop

Terry stop  n.— «In any event, Desjaridns said police have the right to perform what is called a “Terry” stop, named for the U.S. Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio. In that case, an officer observed an individual loitering...

hold five

hold five  v. phr.— «As the justices write and circulate their drafts, colleagues might have second thoughts about how they voted right after oral arguments. The author of the opinion for the court tries not to lose the majority (five of...


brown-bag  v.— «On the farm, brown-bagging is the practice of selling harvested, government-protected varieties of seed to other farmers for future planting at discount prices. On Wednesday, in an 8-1 victory for the nation’s seed...

trigger law

trigger law  n.— «If approved, the ban would become what’s known as a “trigger law,” meaning that it would automatically come into effect if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion...