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tiny heart syndrome

tiny heart syndrome  n.— «The only people who don’t are mostly people who aren’t trying. they called it THS, or tiny heart syndrome when i was in basic.» —“Re: OT—endurance training” Usenet: alt.sport...

Southcott Syndrome

Southcott Syndrome  n.— « She’s suffering from Southcott Syndrome, a medical condition whose name I coined myself. I define this condition as being when a post-menopausal or otherwise infertile woman insists, despite overwhelming evidence...

in-custody death syndrome

in-custody death syndrome  n.— «A condition known as “excited delirium,” sometimes also referred to as “in-custody death syndrome,” has been attributed by some US and Canadian coroners to a number of deaths in...

Saturday night palsy

Saturday night palsy  n.— «He has since seen a neurologist who confirmed his radial nerve palsy and told him that he another victim of “Saturday night palsy syndrome.”» —“Unexpected complication of new love” by...


BDS  n.— «Until now, Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) had generally struck people with previously compromised intellectual immune systems.» —“Bush Derangement Syndrome” by Charles Krauthammer Townhall.com Dec. 5...