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hooping  n.— «While prison officials wouldn’t confirm, sources say the purported leader of the Galloway Boys, Tyshan Riley, who is facing multiple murder charges, was recently forced into segregation after officials found a six-inch knife...


estreatment  n.— «Critics say his case underscores another failing in the system: that sureties are rarely held to account and ordered to forfeit their money. When the Crown does demand payment—a process called estreatment—the amount is...


reef  v.— «Fittings: An ironic term describing plumbing parts that don’t fit together no matter how hard you reef on them.» —“Say cheese, then get scrubbing—How to put words to your dishwasher woes” by Mag...


B-car  n.— «A “B-car” in global industry parlance, it is what we call a subcompact—a market segment in which the auto maker is not currently represented.» —“Funky Hornet points way for DCX” by Gerry...


tuckle  n.— «“We’re just here looking at the tuckles ladies,” Jamal Wilson, 19, says as he stands under the square’s big screen with three friends. Tuckles, he explains, is the 416’s new word for fly, which was the new word for cool...


cush  n.— «Almost as if it were written in a script, Woods responded with a birdie, then another, then another and by the time he got to the 18th hole, it was, as he called it, “a cush,” as in cushion.» —“There’s Tiger...