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quailtard  n.— «Cheney didn’t keep track of his friend, which is what all hunters must do at all times. In his excitement of shooting a quail—actually a domesticated clip-winged quailtard—he spun around and fired, accidentally hitting said...


phoneslaughter  n.— «In Washington state, it’s not illegal to drive while using a cell phone, nor is law enforcement required to track it as a factor in collisions. And if you kill someone while you’re doing it—called...


moodle  n.— «Ms. Pivovarova is just one of many women from the former Soviet Union who now dominate the catwalks, women with the customary tiny heads, attenuated limbs, near absence of emotional affect and identical back story. (Like all...


rabbit  n.— «A rabbit, in track and field parlance, is a pacemaker, or the athlete who gets things going in middle and long distance races before paving way for selected runners to take up the cue and post designated times, in most cases...


voluntourism  n.— «I first came across voluntourism when talking to the managing director of North-by North Tours, a company that specialises in tourism to Isan and neighbouring countries. Apparently they have the inside track on holidays...


steaming  n.— «Liverpool fans supporting their team in the European Cup would travel to towns in Italy, Spain, Belgium or Switzerland and pick up classy Euro sportswear as trinkets. Trainers, ski wear, track suits were all lifted from...

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