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bull ring

bull ring  n.— «Only a handful of the scores of tracks that the World of Outlaws drivers race on during the season are as short as the quarter-mile track at Princeton. Meyer noted that many racers refer to it as the bull ring.» —“High...

track suit

track suit  n.— «A track suit is slang for a low-class person who wears athletic gear.» —“Bell wants to pimp your cell with ringtones about ‘hoes’” by Glen McGregor Ottawa Citizen (Can.) July 30, 2005...


ringman  n.— «Within seconds, the bidding jumped from the asking price of $3.5 million to $4 million. Greene’s four assistants, or “ringmen” as they’re called, circulated the room, keeping track of the bids.» —“More real...


salting  n.— «Secretary/Treasurer of the union David Reardon said he has authorized a number of union members to return to work slowly over the last few months and also sent some former union individuals in to apply for jobs who were then...


cleanskin  n.— «The Times said that at least two of the men had just returned from Pakistan, but none were on the files of security services. This meant they were “cleanskins”—intelligence parlance for terrorists with no...


non-point  adj.— «Water pollution can come from what scientists call point and non-point sources. Point sources are obvious, like industry and wastewater treatment facilities. Non-point sources are harder to identify, like storm water run...

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