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21 for 21

21 for 21  n.— «The tradition is “power hour,” or “21 for 21,” as it is known in some other places across the country: 21-year-olds go to a bar at midnight on their birthdays, flash newly legal identification and...

power hour

power hour  n.— «The tradition is “power hour,” or “21 for 21,” as it is known in some other places across the country: 21-year-olds go to a bar at midnight on their birthdays, flash newly legal identification and...

first shirt

first shirt  n.— «The distribution, largely ramrodded by various squadron first sergeants—first shirts in Air Force parlance—has been a Barksdale tradition since the early 1980s and probably dates even earlier.» —“Barksdale continues...


descanso  n.— «In the Southwest, the markers are called descansos, which comes from the Spanish word for resting. The practice comes from a Spanish tradition of placing stones where pallbearers rested between the church and the cemetery...


sandbox  n.— «Despite the proud family tradition, Edmonds, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, had difficulty accepting Matthew’s deployment to the “sand box,” as he calls Iraq.» —“War reopens old wounds for...


smitty  n.— «If you had a car, and it sounded nice, and it was low to the ground. The ideal would be the Smitty muffler. The guys were going after the Smitty sound in that day.» —“Carrying On The Cruising Tradition, Customized For The...