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pipes  n.pl.— «I like to think of hardcore stuff when I’m training biceps, powerful words like “steel” and “iron”! I also like to envision powerful characters when I look at my pipes, like the Hulk and Wolverine. It...


neet  n.— «A group of 1.1m people who are not in education, employment or training (Neets), are being blamed for many of society’s ills.» —“Focus: Meet the ‘Neets’: a new underclass” by Robert...


stinger  n.— «Richardson was training Jason Chamberlain how to refill chemical tanks at the CNRL site near Edson. They had no idea the chemical was highly explosive, Richardson claims. “(Chamberlain) was outside, he put the...


megarexia  n.— «Over-exercising…may also be due to other psychological disorders (e.g. obsessive-compulsive disorder), or to megarexia (also referred to as “bigarexia” or “muscle dysmorphia”). Megarexia is...

rosh katan

rosh katan  n.— «Senior commanders have suggested recently that the demoralization and the Rosh Katan (anti-involvement) doctrine of anti-volunteerism have been potentiated by cuts in training time due to pressures of budget and...


Fartlek  n.— «There is a recognised type of running training termed “Fartlek.” Literally translated it means speed play. This is where you have bursts of speed while you are running, with no set pattern, just as the whim to go...