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chonga  n.— «The magic starts with a heaping glob of electric blue L.A. Looks hair gel. Then comes the extra coating of $1.07 Beauty Glamorous Extra Hold hair spray. So begins the transformation of 17-year-olds Mimi Davila and Laura Di...


kahunas n.pl. testicles; cojones. Also kahoonas. Editorial Note: Can be used in all the same ways as other slang terms for “testicles.” This kind of transformation of a Spanish word into substantially different Anglicized spellings...

self-licking ice cream cone

self-licking ice cream cone  n.— «This is the “self-licking ice cream cone” approach to analyzing results of experiments or exercises: decide what result you want to achieve and then build an event to meet success. This approach, however...

Bilbao effect

Bilbao effect  n.— «Indeed, that breakthrough structure even spawned what is known as the “Bilbao effect,” the transformation of unknown or little-known places through architecture—something Denver hopes to capitalize on...

cow-dust hour

cow-dust hour  n.— «Twilight is a special threshold moment in most shamanic traditions. This is the cow-dust hour, the window of opportunity at which to invoke the mystery of solar transformation through the Gayatri Mantra. Neither...

sticking the landing

sticking the landing  v. phr.— «“We don’t got no bands no more,” the doorman answers, pulling off a triple negative and sticking the landing. “Just DJs.”» —“Northgate’s movie-to-music transformation...