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micro-expression  n.— «The TSA aims to have 500 “behavior detection officers” (BDOs) in airports by the end of this year. The job of the BDOs will be that of examining passengers for “body language and facial cues…...


3-1-1  n.— «The key point is that, in carry-on bags, each traveler is allowed no containers of liquids and gels larger than 3 ounces; everything must fit in a single one-quart bag; and there can be only one such bag per person. (The TSA...

security theater

security theater  n.— «The secrecy culture cultivated by TSA demands an extensive deference which (as Barlow’s attorney pointed out) is often supposedly justified by saying “September 11, September 11, September 11.” But in...


mitigate  v.— «Continental Airlines employees also bore blame, he said, because they would send bags directly onto the planes if they determined the TSA could not screen every bag for explosives without causing delays. In airport parlance...