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Saturday night palsy

Saturday night palsy  n.— «He has since seen a neurologist who confirmed his radial nerve palsy and told him that he another victim of “Saturday night palsy syndrome.”» —“Unexpected complication of new love” by...


descanso n. a roadside marker or memorial to a victim of an automobile accident. Etymological Note: From Spanish descanso ‘resting place (of a dead person),’ from the verb descansar ‘to (have a) rest.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


levanton  n.— «Miriam fears her husband is the victim of a levanton, one of the kidnappings that plague this border city as the drug trade spreads its ugly claws.» —“Sure her husband is innocent, Miriam Garcia won’t turn her back on...


goon  v.— «Thornton coach Nate Leaf said his team played almost as well and was the victim of some rough Rams play, particularly on star halfback John Carroll. “They were “gooning’ him,” Leaf said.» —“Green Mountain...


DYKWIA  n.— «I’m only speculating here, but given everything else I’ve ever read about Martha, I wonder if she fell victim to DYKWIA Syndrome—”Do you know who I am?” I have relatives in law enforcement, and I could easily...


al-tali  n.— «Kidnap is now so common new words have been added to Iraqi thieves’ slang. A kidnap victim is called al-tali or the sheep.» —“Inventing Sovereignty” by Tom Engelhardt AlterNet June 23, 2004. (source:...