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manky  adj.— «The actual shoeshine process is super easy, but you’ll add some time if your shoes are really manky. If you’ve been walking in the rain a bit, then you’re probalby gonna have manky shoes.» —“5-minute...

dwell zone

dwell zone  n.— «Shoppers walking through the area just inside the door—called the dwell zone—are, says Karl, so panic-stricken that’s there’s little point trying to sell them anything.» —“They have ways of making you...

El carrito de San Fernando

El carrito de San Fernando  n.— «El carrito de San Fernando, un ratico a pie y otro caminando. (San Fernando’s car, a little bit on foot and a little bit walking.) A popular way of saying that you got someplace by walkin» —“Words of...


rollator  n.— «We have assessed the effect of Zimmer, rollator and gutter frames on 6-min walking distance and on arterial oxygenation during exercise in elderly patients with COPD.» —“The effect of walking aids on exercise capacity...


rollator  n.— «His sister-in-law commented that older people in Sweden sustain their stamina by walking behind a so-called rollator. Unlike a conventional “clomp and stomp” walker, a rollator glides over pavement, carpet...


lappy  n.— «This is a Dutch design lappy and I can’t find the question mark or the delete bu… oops found the delete. How long will it be before we all use laptops on the plane, the bus, the taxi, the bicycle or while we’re walking up...

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