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chicken wing it

chicken wing it  v. phr.— «The armor the marines slapped together included heavier doors that could not be latched, so they “chicken winged it” by holding them shut with their arms as they traveled.» —“Bloodied Marines...


 n.— «A Wickerbill is a bird that pecks his own shit!» —“Re: Why I Want Hitlary For President?” by lvaughn Usenet: alt.politics.democrats Dec. 30, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


utzy  adj.— «Mr. Graff, now 53, thought he had retired back in 1999 when he sold Spice to Playboy TV for a neat $100 million, moved to a small town near the Berkshires and took over an old country store. “I sliced bologna, sold mice...


ho-wop  n.— «Called ho-wop, the vocals are crooning and the beats smooth but the lyrics will not win any decency awards. Arguably the first song of its kind is Eamon Doyle’s F*** It (I Don’t Want You Back), a harsh break-up song liberally...


soapland  n.— «It is the night life of Tokyo and Osaka that seems to propel Mr. Mezrich—the hostess clubs, “soaplands” and “sexual harassment clubs” in which Malcolm’s colleagues conduct so much of their business...

harassment club

harassment club  n.— «It is the night life of Tokyo and Osaka that seems to propel Mr. Mezrich—the hostess clubs, “soaplands” and “sexual harassment clubs” in which Malcolm’s colleagues conduct so much of their...