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Buffet Flats (minicast)

Do you know what a “buffet flat” is? Is it A) a type of shoe you wear to all-you-can-eat dinners, B) a lull in economic growth predicted by Warren Buffet, or C) a squalid apartment found in the Rocky Mountain States? Find out when Grant...

NPR farmer

NPR farmer  n.— «About half of the county is made up of farmland, yet Loudoun has experienced an increase in what Warren Howell, who promotes agricultural businesses in the county, calls “NPR farmers,” enthusiastic newcomers...


gliberal  adj.— «For the woman in what I call “gliberal” society today—postmodern, urbane, both bureaucratic and competitive—carrying a child has gone from a glorious condition to an inconvenient and even shameful one, in the...


snooper-pooper  n.— «I was in a reconnaissance company; snooper-poopers in tennis shoes behind the enemy lines and rubber boats off of submarines is the type of thing we were being trained for.» —“James Warren: Recollections of the...

gravy plane

gravy plane  n.— «As Fife and Warren pour out details and examples-the GST exemptions, the “gravy plane” junkets, “double-dipping” through piling patronage jobs on top of generous pensions-you really do lose your...

spaghetti bowl

spaghetti bowl  n.— «One of Washington’s most belabored cliches is “strange bedfellows,” as applied to people labeled as liberals or conservatives who come together, however briefly or accidentally, in the normal course of...