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Wii elbow

Wii elbow  n.— «As players spend more time with the Wii, some are noticing that hours waving the game’s controller around can add up to fairly intense exertion—resulting in aches and pains common in more familiar forms of exercise. They’re...


scarfing  n.— «In 1994, the British Journalist and Conservative Party politician, Stephen Milligan, died as a result of autoerotic asphyxiation, or commonly known as “scarfing.” This potentially fatal method of masturbation...

bugaboo word

bugaboo word  n.— «I hope he will be defeated so badly that the bugaboo word Imperialism will never be heard again.» —“What Republicanism Has Done in Wyoming” by Francis R. Warren Fort Wayne...

Data Valdez

Data Valdez  n.— «Information brokers and the public now find themselves in a highly publicized pickle, Homeland Security Dept. privacy chief Nuala O’Connor Kelly said, likening data spills to oil or chemical spills in their capacity to...

push present

push present  n.— «Let us say that Annette Bening has lost all that baby weight—Warren must have given her a ThighMaster as a push present—and looked understated yet ravishing.» —“Tacky fun is what Oscar fashion is all...


fratire  n.— «With titles like “Real Ultimate Power,” a satirical ode to the masculine prowess of ninjas; “The Modern Drunkard,” a paean to getting hammered; and “The Game,” a manual for manipulating and...