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skatedot  n.— «The facilities, just a planner’s dream now, are from what are known in bureaucratese as “skatedots” which are described as “small skateable elements along paths as part of streetscapes or in parks,”...


skatespot  n.— «The facilities, just a planner’s dream now, are from what are known in bureaucratese as “skatedots” which are described as “small skateable elements along paths as part of streetscapes or in parks,”...

under the bus

under the bus  v. phr.— «In the rock ‘n’ roll business, you are either on the bus or under it. Playing “Feelings” with Eddie and the Condos in a buffet bar in Butte is under the bus. Peter Frampton is under the bus...

vomit comet

vomit comet  n.— «Aspen partygoers, beware. Transportation officials have voted to hire a security firm to patrol the bus station and late-night buses on Fridays and Saturdays that commonly have to take drunken passengers home from Aspen...


snackluck  n.— «I was encouraged to see so many potluck posts, but I’m wondering—how do you get folks interested in putting out some effort for a potluck, so it doesn’t turn into snackluck (everyone bringing chips or pretzels, with no real...


NIABY  n.— «“We’re not just NIMBY about wind energy,” Mollet said, referring to the “not in my backyard” acronym. “We’re NIABY—not in anybody’s backyard.”» —“Dutch Moving Wind Turbines...

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