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burner  n.— «In another seizure, police recovered a crude, handwritten drug-trade manual from a PCP ring.…It listed the “workers” and the “deliverers,” assigning beepers, walkie-talkies, police scanners and...


burner  n.— «The inmates talked about their crimes in a generally easy manner, some with a lingo that focused on “beefs,” or disputes, and then getting “a burner,” or gun, to settle the score.» —“A Crazed...

Root Canal Republicans

Root Canal Republicans  n.— «Root Canal Republicans are led by Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan) and House Minority leader Bob Michel (R-Ill). The Root Canal Republicans want to balance the budget by spending cuts across the board...

nuclear option

nuclear option  n.— «Republicans have hinted ominously to some “nuclear” option for breaking the judicial logjam some time after Easter.» —“Senate panel OKs Owen for judgeship” by Charles Hurt Washington...

nuclear option

nuclear option  n.— «The nuclear option is Washington parlance for the threat by Senate Republican leaders to change the rules to prevent filibusters on judicial nominations.» —“Judicial Wars Redux” by James D...

cat face

cat face  n.— «You may hear that…much of the timber is “cat-faced”…that “cat face” is a scar made by a fire in a tree.» —“Their Speech is Vivid” Washington Post Mar. 26, 1905...