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Glass Pockets

A caller wants to know. Grant explains what politicians and watchdog groups mean by the term glass pockets. This is part of a complete episode.


woolybooger  n.— «“Why, we’re liable to be here until the Fourth of July,” declared Rep. John Levergood of Shawness and woollybooger fame. Levergood considers himself a watchdog in the House and bounces to the microphone to denounce...

woolly booger

woolly booger  n.— «Ms. Peltier has been just as determined to read every word of the legislation that crosses her desk, often to the consternation of fellow members, to keep anyone from sneaking a “woolly booger” past the...

maternal wall

maternal wall  n.— «Nationally, studies have documented what some researchers call “the maternal wall”: once working women let it be known that they are pregnant or have children, they are less likely to be hired, promoted, or given raises...

fleeing voter syndrome

fleeing voter syndrome  n.— «Stephen J. Strahs, co-founder of the two-year-old citizen elections watchdog group, said that county officials in the past have attributed these undercounts to the “fleeing voter syndrome.” This is...


horn-honker  n.— «On the lips of some Tennesseans, the name “horn-honker” is a slur. But to the thousands who descended on the state Capitol over several years to stop a state income tax, “horn-honker” is akin to...