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push present

push present  n.— «Let us say that Annette Bening has lost all that baby weight—Warren must have given her a ThighMaster as a push present—and looked understated yet ravishing.» —“Tacky fun is what Oscar fashion is all...

grow teeth

grow teeth  v. phr.— «Mickelson taps in for par on the 9th to finish the front nine on -3. Meanwhile on the 11th, John Daly puts his considerable weight behind an effort to slash out of knee-high rough. It’s a great effort, but...

bug boy

bug boy  n.— «Around the racetrack, they are called “bug boys,” but not for their love of insects. These jockeys get their names because the Daily Racing Form used to print a “bug”—or asterisk—next to the weight...


tag  n.— «Standard paid him the industry standard—a 50 percent commission on each delivery run, or “tag” in messenger parlance. Companies charge about $6 a tag, give or take a few quarters depending on the length of the run, the weight of...

bench jockeying

bench jockeying  n.— «Baseball not being a repository of deep thought, players on opposing teams used to stand in the dugout and hurl insults at [Jackie] Robinson. “Bench jockeying,” as it’s known, has a long tenure in the...


flopper  n.— «Though racers refer to them as “floppers,” Mageau said, Funny Cars got their current name “way back in the ’60s. The first versions of highly modified cars were still steel bodies, but they moved the...