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Episode 1365

Bump and Grind

Remember a few years ago when Amazon introduced that mysterious device called a Kindle? People worried that electronic readers would replace traditional books. Turns out the death of the hardcover was greatly exaggerated. Also, the expression...


One of our listeners was visiting the Orchid House at the San Diego Zoo and happened across the word fugacious, meaning “blooming only briefly.” The word can also apply to one’s mood, and shares a Latin root with...

howdy process

howdy process  n.— «Vivian, who arrived at the old Central Texas Zoo in 1966 as a teenager from the wild, had literally bitten the heads off two previous suitors. But the third time was the charm: Vivian reacted well during the “howdy”...

animal enrichment

animal enrichment  n.— «At one point in the afternoon, an Oakland Zoo employee tossed two boxes covered in camel hair and filled with meat cutlets into the tiger pit, a process called “animal enrichment” that simulates prey...