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tank farm

tank farm
 n.— «Molokai has just one distribution facility—Island Petroleum. This ‘tank farm’ as it is called, serves as the only storage facility for the entire island. Three types of gasoline—premium, midgrade and regular, as well as two types of diesel—off road and standard—are stored here.» —“The Pump Predicament” by Sean Aronson Molokai Dispatch (Kaunakakai, Hawaii) Dec. 11, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • I don’t recall when I first heard/used this term, but it certainly wasn’t recently. I grew up in southern California and I’m pretty sure I knew this term from my days there — probably the 70’s.

  • There’s a Tank Farm Road in San Luis Obispo, CA. I went to college there from 1969-1971 and lived in that general area until the early 80’s. Knew why Tank Farm Road was so-named during that period.

Further reading

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