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 n.— «The massive migrations from suburban America (dubbed zomburbia) is now leading to such levels of social crisis the language is changing.» —“McMansion mortgage meltdown fosters a new breed of equity strippers” by David Hirst The Age (Melbourne, Australia) Aug. 31, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Baby Blues (episode #1542)

A hundred years ago, suffragists lobbied to win women the right to vote. Linguistically speaking, though, suffrage isn’t about “suffering.” It’s from a Latin word that involves voting. Plus: military cadences often include...

Sleeve Island (episode #1637)

Language from inside a monastery. A Benedictine monk shares terms from his world: For example, corporate prayer refers to praying as a group, not urging shares to return dividends. And did you know there’s a term of art for those annoying add...