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 n.— «“It all kind of goes hand-in-hand. The modesty. The home schooling. The home churching. Covering. Looking for the off-the-grid lifestyle. It’s part of a huge movement.”…Via e-mail discussion lists and websites such as “Plain and Simple Head coverings” and “Modest Dress,” they give each other support for a decision that can be at odds with more modern churches and ministers. Though some have been “covering,” as they call it, since the 1980s, many have felt the call in the past five to 10 years, a time that has seen a rise in religious conservatism.» —“Traditional living takes modern spin” by Elizabeth Weise USA Today Oct. 4, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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Mrs. Astor’s Horse (episode #1530)

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