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 n.— «This may be giving the game away as to where I work but the slang names our scummy club patrons use really do grate on me.…The ones that really get my goat and raise my heckles are “Mush” and “Gadgee.” “Mush” becoming more popular than “gadgee” of late. The fashionability of certain terms comes and goes. These two really get me writhing. They’re far too familiar, they’re far too nonsensical and worst of all they suggest I’m part of a social group that includes their users. This I am not. The mere suggestion that I might be will get you seeing a whole nasty side, not just the little bits I let out every now and then.» —“Slang names” by Adoor Man The Doorman’s Blog Dec. 31, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Goody Two-Shoes (episode #1543)

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