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meat tag

meat tag n. identifying information such as name, Social Security number, religion, blood type, etc., tattooed on a soldier’s body. Editorial Note: According to the Macquarie Dictionary, in Australia “meat tag” is a colloquial expression for “dog tag” or “identity disc.” The 1977 and 1997 citations below are both Australian. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Part of initiation into Marine BN Recon Unit…many I have previously served with in the Philippines…no one wears dog tags…they are noisy, cumbersome with gear..and swimming.  So each new boot (provided he had passed “hell week”…was taken into town and had his meat-tag tatooed on his rib-cage just below his left armpit.  SSN and bloodtype. no name…just those two things.

Further reading

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