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 n.— «Within the past week, our collective system has caught an additional 40 spams that would have otherwise gotten through. Clearly it is proving itself to be helpful in A. breaking down the isolation barrier between statistical-based filter users, and B. helping to mudge past three-nines accuracy.» —“Spam and ‘undisclosed recipients’” by Jonathan A. Zdziarski Full-Disclosure email list Nov. 16, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

The @ Symbol and Its Many Noms De Internet

There are lots of creative names for the @, also known in English as the at-sign. In Denmark and Sweden, it’s sometimes called the snabel-a, or “elephant trunk.” In Italian, it’s a chiocciola, or “snail. In Greek...

What A Drip

Those annoying add-on fees that come at the end of an online transaction are part of a lucrative practice known as drip pricing. The word drip has become a descriptor for anything that slowly increases revenue. For example, drip marketing involves...