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Out of Pocket Nosy Parkers

Dear listeners,

Our final summer podcast is now available. We know it's November, but we're having more than an Indian summer, we're having a West Indian summer: blue skies and blue water all year 'round. Full shows start this weekend!

This week, Grant goes through the mailbag, offering answers about the terms "nosy parker," "out of pocket," and about whether the word "falsehood" has its origins in medieval garb. He also throws a question out to listeners about what is supposedly a mild British oath, "butternut!"


We're aware that some of of you can't listen to podcasts or to the embedded MP3-player in the podcast blog entries. But if you download the MP3 file linked there and save it to your drive, any computer made in the last ten years or so should be able to play it. Try programs such as RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, WinAmp, or iTunes. Many web browsers will also load MP3 files and play them directly in the browser window.

This week we launched our brand-new discussion forums. Very pretty! Now in the forums, nominations are open for the American Dialect Society's "word of the year" and the American Name Society's "name of the year." Let's have your picks!


Also, we did a "word of the year" round-up interview on KPBS Radio's "These Days."


Don't forget: our next brand-new one-hour show airs this weekend. You can hear it over the air and by streaming this Saturday and Sunday (including on KPBS in San Diego) or you can get it by podcast on Monday. Find a way to


As our brand-new season commences, we'd like to thank you for your support, for all the questions you've asked "A Way with Words" over the last nine years, and for all the questions you're sure to ask in the future. Your thoughtful comments are a constant reminder that the world is full of people who care about speaking and writing well. Even if they do pronounce the "t" in "often." 😉 So, thanks a million and keep on listening.

We'd like to give a special shout-out to everyone at the "Teaching English" section of http://www.Forumosa.com, a Taiwanese discussion board. Keep up the good work! We think everybody needs to be able to read Ernest Hemingway and Danielle Steele in the original.

We wish you a happy Thanksgiving holiday if you're celebrating it and a happy tomorrow if you're not.


Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett

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Further reading

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