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 n.Gloss: bias against people who are not married or part of a couple. «“This notion that you can live a full and completely happy life as a single person is so underrecognized that people who feel that way are reluctant to say so,” said Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist and author of “Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After.” In it, she coined the term “singlism” for how the unmarried are given short shrift by employers’ spousal health benefits and the federal tax code.» —“A Guide to Embracing Life as a Single (Without the Resignation, That Is)” by Andrew Adam Newman New York Times Dec. 31, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Princess Bubble-

    After this book about being single hit the national scene; I hear many women referring to secure independent women as, “She is very Princess Bubble…” I live in Atlanta & these authors have gotten a lot of press here so this term may be regional.

Further reading

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