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nines  n.— «Within the past week, our collective system has caught an additional 40 spams that would have otherwise gotten through. Clearly it is proving itself to be helpful in A. breaking down the isolation barrier between statistical...

baked in

baked in  adj.— «We have not reflected anything in the budget beyond that except for whatever share repurchases come out of the proceeds from the asset sales. That’s sort of baked in, in terms of impact on this year. It is baked into the...


gross-up  n.— «The Atlanta-based company also paid more than $3 million in Nardelli’s federal and state income taxes, a practice called “gross-up.”» —“SEC’s Disclosure Would Unveil Hidden Executive Perks...

road to Damascus experience

road to Damascus experience  n.— «There are those who regard coming out as a “road to Damascus” experience, a single moment of recognition of one’s “true” self, a gestalt shift in which the label of the derided...

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva  n.— «Today’s corporate scandals have produced Lady Godiva (full disclosure) and the leprechaun (elusive executives who hide their millions; also spelled lepre-con), and then there’s Enronitis (stock hit hard by accounting...


Enronitis  n.— «Today’s corporate scandals have produced Lady Godiva (full disclosure) and the leprechaun (elusive executives who hide their millions; also spelled lepre-con), and then there’s Enronitis (stock hit hard by accounting...