TagDouble-Tongued Dictionary

gravy time

gravy time  n.— «Harrington said the regular drivers complain constantly because the part-time drivers come on the street during the rush hours, called “gravy time,” which run from 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m.» —“Part-Time...

gravy time

gravy time  n.— «Strawberry did miss five games against the Cardinals because of his thumb injury. “Now,” Strawberry said, “it is gravy time.”» —“Mets Set to Deal With Cards 3-game series for East lead begins...

butt gravy

butt gravy  n.— «It’s Butt Gravy time whenever it heats up here in the desert. The A/C compressor has failed twice, and the dash console once. All were during the summer heat.» —by Jeff Thomas in Mesa, Arizona The genuine...

gravy time

gravy time  n.— «What many Floridians refer to as “gravy time” is here. Day and night temperatures are going down. The summer doldrums are past. It’s time to get out and have a little fun.» —“Florida fall fun highlighted...

daddy wagon

daddy wagon  n.— «Dunker hied himself to his Ford Freestyle “daddy wagon” (as he calls it), picked up Marilyn and headed toward the pediatrician’s office in Crestwood.» —“Unreal” Riverfront Times (St...

track two diplomacy

track two diplomacy  n.— «All this was what is sometimes called “Track Two” diplomacy, i.e., quiet sessions out of the headlines. Whatever its results, it is a lot better than future headlines of nuclear catastrophe...