TagDouble-Tongued Dictionary


froogle  n.— «Cousins is part of the new “froogle” movement, which began in America “Froogles” are environmentally-motivated types who use the internet to help them cut their consumerism back to basics. The trend...


GPA  n.— «GPA also stands for a university or college’s Gay Point Average. Windmeyer’s book, “The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students,” released in August, evaluates a school’s GPA based on different components which...

repo market

repo market  n.— «Barb at 321Gold.com keeps track of Federal Reserve Bank Temporary Reserves, known as the repo market, which are merely the interaction between (theoretically) somebody who needs some very short-term money for some reason...

IED petting zoo

IED petting zoo  n.— «A special training ground has been set up at Fort Drum where soldiers headed for Iraq and Afghanistan are being trained how to spot improvised explosive devices blamed for causing most of the casualties suffered by U...

gravy time

gravy time  n.— «Allies are probably—effective allies; I do not mean just free riders who are just on the gravy time—are the most valuable thing you can have in a war, because it is somebody else getting killed instead of you.» —by...

gravy time

gravy time  n.— «It’s gravy time in the 6th and 9th circuits. If the bill becomes law, vacancies will actually outnumber the candidates.» —“Here We Go Again” Florence Morning News (South Carolina) Mar. 25, 1977...

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