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oil spot approach

oil spot approach  n.— «The South Vietnamese government’s primary task, before it can hope to move toward needed political, economic and social reforms, is to provide villages with maximum security from communist harassment. This is the...


jetting  n.— «They took the extra time and tricky effort to make sure everything matched perfectly on the stripes or checks. That meant, even down to the tiny strip of cloth that hinges on the pocket flap i.e. the “jetting...


multi-plat-fornication  n.— «Mr. Toffler has a plan in motion to upgrade the network for the age of digital convergence, a strategy he has been known to refer to as “multi-plat-fornication”: an all-out effort to deliver MTV...

hook one up

hook one up  v. phr.— «Here was a case, they said of Pearson’s effort on the ironically named No Penalty, of something extremely fishy. Failing to give his mount every opportunity to win, in racing legalese. Hooking one up, in the parlance...


shearography  n.— «In the second project, Davis and his team developed a technique called “shearography” to ensure that foam will not come off the tank during launch and ascent. Shearography uses a laser to detect defects...

rice bowl

rice bowl  n.— «Gingrich pledged “to cooperate in any way I can on a bipartisan basis in really rethinking all of this” because the effort is “going to require not only reshaping the rice bowls at the Pentagon but...

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