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salvage  v.— «During martial law, “salvage” came into use in the Philippines to mean “to execute or dispose of a person summarily and secretly.” Filipino journalists use it that way without regret. I wonder if it...


Susmaryosep  n.— «There are times when she is very funny because she even translates Filipino terms like “Susmaryosep”. » —“From Acceptable to Exceeds Expectations” by Paulemeric To Live Without...


gillage  n.— «Gillage, for non-Filipinos, is Manila slang for “gilid ng village,” literally “beside/adjoining the village,” referring to the pocket of shanties that inevitably sprout outside the perimeter of an...


Caucapino  n.— «Our children, however, are half-Filipino, half-Caucasian—or, as I like to call them, Caucapinos. (Hey, if Tiger Woods is Cablanasian, my kids can be Caucapinos).» —“Have A Swirly Asian Pacific American Heritage...


Aspanic  n.— «I’m Filipino American, born and raised on the backside of the Mission Playground at 19th and Guerrero. But since I’m Asian with a Spanish surname, I’ve coined my own category: Aspanic.» —“Have A Swirly Asian Pacific...