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TagFlora of North America

Pecan Pronunciation

You say puh-KAHN, I say PEE-can. Just how do you pronounce the name of the nut called a pecan? Turns out, there are several correct pronunciations. This is part of a complete episode.

Nosy Parkers and Butternuts (minicast)

Grant goes through the mailbag, offering answers about the terms “nosy parker,” “out of pocket,” and about whether the word “falsehood” has its origins in medieval garb. He also throws a question out to listeners...

cherries and blueberries

cherries and blueberries  n.pl.— «“What is cherries and blueberries?” “it refers to the red and blue lights (cherries=red, blueberries=blue).”» —“Slang name you can’t stand?” by bdunndchi in...

woolly booger

woolly booger  n.— «“Physiologically, the salient characteristic of peyote is its production of visual hallucinations or color visions, as well as kinesthetic, olfactory, and auditory derangements.” Or, to put it another way, that...