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meat market

meat market  n.— «The NBA is pretty straight compared to what goes on prior to the National Football League draft, where more than 300 players are annually invited to what is known as the “meat market.” Sports talk radio and the Internet...


combine  n.— «The NBA is pretty straight compared to what goes on prior to the National Football League draft, where more than 300 players are annually invited to what is known as the “meat market.” Sports talk radio and the Internet offer...


hoofball  n.— «Please let’s stop Norwich losing it’s long and proud tradition “playing the passing game” to the hoofball that seems to be the favoured tactic of the current incumbent/incompetent.» —“Worthington...


hoofball  n.— «The teams sampled were English, where there is a much higher number playing hoofball anyway. Thus more goals were scored by hoofers. Once the ratio of hoofing teams to passing teams is figured into the data of similar...


hoofball n. football (U.S.: soccer) played with a focus on long kicks (rather than on dribbling and passing). Editorial Note: Hoofball is usually considered a passive, boring way to play the sport. Etymological Note: From hoof (it), to kick...


hoofball  n.— «They were told frequently, that if what was wrong was NOT Worthington to prove it by playing a more entertaining game than was being dished up week after week. They did nothing to show the fans any different to the growing...