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push-button  adj.— «Jockeys like to call horses like Big Brown “push button”—they respond to commands instantly and easily.» —“Preakness laugher leaves Big Brown in line for glory” by Pat Forde ESPN...


emosogynist  n.— «Welcome to “Crap Email From A Dude,” a Jezebel public service campaign in which we run actual emails, in all their ellipses-laden glory, from actual dudes. Because they are actual, we do not provide...


Landy  n.— «Roughly translated, that means “So passes away the glory of the Land Rover.” Personally, I think that’s a bit strong, but Landy purists the world over will no doubt lament the passing of the stalwart Td5 engine...

heart-attack kids

heart-attack kids  attrib.— «If the young Pittsburgh roster (and this reporter) want to keep their beards growing through the first round, they will have to pull a ridiculous miracle: three straight wins, two of them on the road. If this...

two and barbecue

two and barbecue  other.— «Going “two and barbecue,” which meant losing two consecutive games in the traditional double-elimination tournament format, was always disappointing, but long-time observers knew that was “just...

glory hole

glory hole  n.— «The studio has “reheat furnaces.” “That’s where we do most of our work and the openings in the reheat furnaces are called “glory holes.’”» —“Playing with fire” by Brice...