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Pun Word Missing Quiz

Our New York City quiz guy John Chaneski joins us for a punny word quiz. How to play: There’s a pun with a key word missing. You need to fill in the blank. For example, if you don’t pay your e_______, you get repossessed. The answer: exorcist. Get...

Episode 1468

Hell’s Half Acre

Hundreds of years ago, the word girl didn’t necessarily mean a female child — in the 14th and 15th centuries, it could refer to a child of either sex. Only later did its meaning become more specific. • Some people think that referring to a...

Chop Chop Wiki Wiki

A San Diego, California, guy says his high school history teacher used the phrase chop chop wiki wiki meaning “Hurry up!” The first part of this phrase comes from similar-sounding Cantonese words — the source also of the chop in...

Shakespearan Knock Knock Jokes

As we mentioned earlier, knock-knock jokes were once a fad sweeping the nation. What we didn’t mention is that there are quite a few Shakespearean knock-knock jokes. Such as: Knock-Knock. Who’s there? Et. Et who? Et who, Brute? (Hey...

Hot Mess

Sneaky contract lingo, advice for writing well, and preserving a dying language. Say you’re scrolling through an online transaction where you’re asked to read the “Terms and Conditions.” Do you actually read them or just check the...